FPS drops on High Performance Mode

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Jun 24, 2018
I have a fairly moderate laptop called the Acer Swift 3, having MX150 8gb Lddr3 ram, 256 ssd, i58250. The MX150 is capable of the games I play, such as Fortnite, and CS-GO. The problem is that when I am using the High Performance Power Plan, I get high fps for 10 minutes, but then suddenly it drop from 200-> 30 fps, and this happens every 10 seconds. The laptop works on Balanced Power Plan, making the fps consistent, but about lower fps (60-120). I want to find a solution that maximizes the GPU. (the laptop is new and the problem existed from day one, my friend has a different laptop with MX150 and has similar problems). This problem only exists when laptop is plugged in.This happens in all games no matter the settings.
What iv'e tried
-Setting Max Prossecer State to 95%
-Temperatures around 69 C
- Reinstalling Drivers
-Configured Mamixmum Performance in Nvidia
200fps.... Can your laptop monitor handle that?
Are you using a laptop cooler when gaming?

I ask because 60-120fps is decent for fortnite... ok for csgo

High Performance mode doesn’t lower your CPU’s speed when it isn’t being used, running it at higher speeds most of the time. It also increases screen brightness. Other components, such as your Wi-Fi or disk drive, may also not go into power-saving modes. This mode makes for a toasty laptop.

The extra fps will go to waste if your monitor can't even handle them, so I don't think high performance is worth it.

Well first off, I was recommended by Acer to send it in for repair, and second, when on cs go on balanced mode, sometimes I dip to 40 fps because the cpu is clocked lower on balanced mode, where on fortnite it doesn't affect me much because the game isn't cpu demanding like cs go.


That's good news. Hope Acer has the solution! Good luck!
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