FPS drops random in intense and minimal points in every game? (GTX 970)


Dec 6, 2016
I haven't found someone whose posted this problem have a solution thats worked for me yet, so I need to post my own specs I suppose.

No matter what game, CSGO (avg 200+ FPS) - Diablo 3 (avg 140) - PUBG (avg 140), etc.. they all happen to drop to around 30-50 fps for a matter of 1-3 seconds.

I monitor my FPS, Average FPS, cpu temp, cpu load, gpu temp, gpu load, and network usage all with CAM. (Img attached)

My specs are included as well.

Its not an overheating issue, I have an exposed chassis and more than enough air flow.
Its not an overclocking issue, as I do not overclock.
Its not a driver issue, for I have updated, downgraded, and manually installed numerous versions for gpu, cpu, bios, audio, graphical, etc.
Its not my internet. I get 30 latency, 50-80 MBps down, 5-15 Mbps, up.

csgo specifically baffles me due to my game settings being so average. I play on 4:3 1024x768, low-medium settings for everything.

What else could I be missing?

Can you try locking FPS in CS:GO and see if that helps?
Also be sure to check performance mode instead of power saver in control panel.

P.S.: "(Img attached)" I can't find picture tho

My apologies for not realizing my reply was never submitted.

I dont believe that its either the HDD or RAM, for my RAM load never exceeds 60%, and my game I play is on the SSD, which only contains a few other programs.

MalwareBytes is ran regularly every other week, so I feel no malware is causing this issue.

I did notice recently, however, that all of a sudden during D3, my GPU Usage jumped up to 80-90% randomly during an FPS loss at one point. And the second time I lost frames in D3, the CPU jumped up where as the GPU stayed normal.

In CSGO, neither the CPU nor the GPU jump in usage, or temp during an FPS drop... but D3 it clearly does.

Is my build just shitty? I thought I did a decent job the second time around.

My apologies, I didn't realize it never came through.

Here is my image I meant to add. http://imgur.com/a/P32Qf
I had similar issues caused whenever:
1. Windows decides to start checking for or downloading an update in the background. Solution: Disable auto-download. I don't think you can disable checking for updates.
2. Antivirus decides to start scanning. Solution: Schedule updates and scans at 3 AM once a week.
3. Chrome/Firefox window in the background decides to send/transfer something (I don't know what). Keeping Chrome/Firefox closed seems to help.