FPS drops when gaming

The Red Man

Mar 17, 2016
So. I've had an issue with my pc for 3 days now. When i start any game the FPS goes down to under 10fps. Before this i had no problems what so ever. I have tried reinstalling drivers for my video card and reinstalling windows. When the game is launched resource monitor shows no more than 10% of the cpu being used.
Video card - AMD Radeon™ HD 7770
CPU - Intel core i3-3220
RAM- Adata 4gb
Windows 10
Thank you in advance!

Yeah, make sure its plugged into one of the ports on the graphics card it self, not the motherboard.

Everything. CS:GO, KillingFloor2, Dishonored,Splinter Cell Blacklist. All games ive played just fine before this problem

I unplugged it from a DVI connector and plugged it into my PC. That might be the problem?

Yeah, make sure its plugged into one of the ports on the graphics card it self, not the motherboard.