[SOLVED] FPS Drops while gaming (RTX3070)

May 5, 2021
I'm having troubles with FPS while gaming, it happens mostly on Valorant. Here's the link of the problem https://streamable.com/yznlbv it goes up and down all the time, not stable at all, I wonder if there's something I can do to see where the problems comes, it's CPU or GPU, RAM maybe ? I think I always had this problem, but since I want to buy a 240 Hz monitor i'd love to fix that. I tried everything I read on the internet about FPS improvement, the problem must be on any piece of hardware, it could be that my setup can't get high stable FPS.
My setup - https://www.userbenchmark.com/UserRun/42365061
Image of Temps and Voltage - View: https://imgur.com/FkPaYOV

Thank you.
So, bottlenecking will ALWAYS happen to some degree. Even if you get the fastest cpu on the planet, you'd always be bottlenecked by the gpu, otherwise performances will be unlimited and we'd all get 5487564987563457 fps.

There are way to reduce bottlenecking by upgrading cpus along with our gpus, to ensure the information data required for rendering a certain thing (like a game) doesn't get restricted by a slower cpu compared to a fast gpu. Pretty much is like buying a ferrari having the engine of a ford fiesta. Yes, your car would look like a ferrari, but it'd be ran by a ford fiesta engine and not a ferrari one.

As i said, an 8th gen like yours will def perform some major bottleneck on a modern card like the 3070. ESPECIALLY when...
I don't see any drops in the video you linked?
EDIT ok i saw the counter now. I mean, your worse drop is to 191 fps... is that even a reason of concearn? Why not vsynch it at 240 fps instead of being on a rollercoaster from 200 fps up to 320?

I also think some bottlenecking is going on here as an 8th gen with a 3070 will def bottleneck it.
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It goes from 280 ~ to 180 ~ which it doesn't affect much since I have a 180 Mhz monitor, but i'd love to have 240 stable so I can benefit for having a 240 Mhz monitor, I'm not an expert on computers, at least for the hardware and FPS issues, maybe that's a normal behaviour since it's loading textures, but I have the feeling that I should be having higher FPS with my setup, or at least more stable.
Thank you.
So, bottlenecking will ALWAYS happen to some degree. Even if you get the fastest cpu on the planet, you'd always be bottlenecked by the gpu, otherwise performances will be unlimited and we'd all get 5487564987563457 fps.

There are way to reduce bottlenecking by upgrading cpus along with our gpus, to ensure the information data required for rendering a certain thing (like a game) doesn't get restricted by a slower cpu compared to a fast gpu. Pretty much is like buying a ferrari having the engine of a ford fiesta. Yes, your car would look like a ferrari, but it'd be ran by a ford fiesta engine and not a ferrari one.

As i said, an 8th gen like yours will def perform some major bottleneck on a modern card like the 3070. ESPECIALLY when you want such high fps. You'd be ok with anything less than 200 fps. But for anything above that, you def require a better and more modern cpu.

Also, what is your PSU?

View: https://youtu.be/ZF4ys-XQTVw
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Great explanation sir, and nice video! There's any software that could tell me that I have cpu bottleneck issues, I have no problem on buying a new one, and also, how do I know which CPU will work better with my 3070, any site that I can check.
Many many thanks!
Honestly, before buying anything new, i'd simply enable v synch on the 240 hz monitor to 240 fps and see how it works. If that doesn't solve your issue you could look into a 11700k. But then you'd need a new motherboard also. Imo just cap your framerate to the hz of your monitor and be happy with it for now. Honestly the difference between 190 fps and 240 is negligible to the human eye, and unless you're a pro esport gamer, you don't really need it. But hey, it's your money, so who am i to judge.