FPS Drops win10

Barbados Slim

Oct 21, 2015
I upgraded to the free version of win 10 back in august and have been having issues with gaming ever since the upgrade. My specs are as follows: i5 2500k 3.3 ghz (non OCed), gtx 670, 8gb ddr3 ripjaws ram, b75m-DGS mobo from asrock.

All my drivers are up to date and i have already unparked my cores and done a clean OS install. I heard from every one of my friends that Windows 10 gave them frame rate boosts across the board so i was eager to upgrade. After I upgraded i noticed a massive frame drop in battlefield 4 particularly on siege of shanghai where on windows 7 i was getting 40 fps after the leveloution event where the building drops but after the update i struggle to get 20 and ultimately had to just quit playing the map altogether which sucks because it was by far my favorite in the game. I seemed to have narrowed it down to particle effects like smoke. They absolutely destroy my fps on windows 10. GTA 5 was stuttering and capping at 30 fps before the clean install, but afterwards was fixed but it was the only game effected by the os wipe. I used to be able to run Borderlands 2 completely maxed out with Physx turned up and only lost frames during a massive battles when the physx was throwing particles everywhere and even then it was only 5-10 frames at most. Now even after turning off physx i struggle to get 40 frames during a heated battle. MGS V is borderline unplayable at times because it stutters and freezes after ive played for over a half an hour or so. I love how much faster windows 10 is but i am seriously considering rolling back to windows 7 if this issue persists. Thanks for any input.

Sorry i looked at the forum you sent and there was no solutions just people having my issues and struggling to fix them. Essentially it boiled down to wait for Microsoft to patch windows 10.


Hello again Barbados Slim

I thought that disabling Vertical Sync would do the trick.

Since it didn't, we can dive a bit deeper. To start with:

> You can try running the game in Compatibility Mode. Choose Windows 7 while doing so.

> Some people have resolved the issue by disabling/deactivating their anti-virus program (Avast in particular but doing the same with any other anti-virus on your computer may also help), and then putting the laptop to the Game Mode.

> If the above doesn't help, and if you have access to an older (one level lesser) version of the graphics card driver, you may want to install it and then try again.

Let me know if that helps and feel free to reply for more assistance. :)

Thanks for the help. I think ill try rolling back to an old windows 7 driver and see what that does. Im weighing just reinstalling windows 7 because im sick of dealing with this stuff. I just really don't want to have to reinstall 700gbs of programs and games (too poor to afford a backup drive atm). If i have too much trouble running fallout 4 on the 10th of November I'll just bite the bullet reinstall win 7.