FPS fluctuates between 45 and my normal, i cap it at 60


Oct 24, 2017
My fps in fortnite keeps fluctuating between 45 and 60 which i have it capped on. It always stayed on a solid 60 fps when plugged in and when it was on battery. Now when i play it it is on 60 but every second it goes to 45, then 60, then 45. So when im playing it is mainly 45 cause it fluctuates every second. Maybe even every half a second. But it is constant, like my computer set it that way. Please help

Its not vsyc cause i checked that and i did set the cap at 120 and my fps was 120 then drops to 45 then goes to 120 then drops back down, so i cant play when 50% of the time my fps is trash