FPS halved when using 2 monitors.


Sep 2, 2014

I recently purchased a BenQ XL2411Z. And since have been using two monitors. But whenever i play CSGO, my FPS is cut (more than) in half. While using one monitor, i get steady 240-300 FPS, with my dual monitor setup (Note: i am not doing ANYTHING on the second monitor, just desktop.) i get 60-100 FPS.

Any idea why this would be happening?


Win 7 Home Premium

AMD Phenom II 1090T

6 GB DDR3 @ 668MHz (Yeah its shit i'm upgrading soon)


250GB Samsung SSD


From what i have seen, FPS drops are normal, but not going from 300 to 60-100.


I play CSGO on my main monitor at 1024x768 Stretched. Because the XL2411Z has absolutely retarded responses to stretched resolutions, i need to run a script to stretch my desktop res. and keep GPU scaling on to play at 1024x768.

tl;dr, yes.
You didn't mention which gpu you are using. I run native resolution on both monitors, with an extended desktop. I do know that the second screen is going to use SOME vram but not that much. But perhaps you are running into a vram issue? I'm sorry but I'm not familiar with CSGO's system usage.

1024MB ATI AMD Radeon HD 6870. CSGO isn't really a demanding game tbh.

Hmm, yes I see...just googled. You system sits high on the recommended requirements. Perhaps this is a driver issue then. I know AMD had some vram speed issues with dual monitors before...but it was to do with high clocks at lidle so not really related. Sorry I can't be more helpful.