FPS in Rust


Jul 26, 2017
Hey, i bought GTX 1060 and I don't seem to be getting the FPS I should be getting (IMO).
While running Rust on the lowest Preset (potato) i get readings around 50 FPS avg and ranges 30-80 FPS (+typical Rust dips). I've seen people that have worse hardware doing better, but also worse with better hardware. I don't really know what to think about it, but i'm dissapointed that i can't get stable 60 fps or above even on the lowest preset.
CPU: FX 8370e
GPU: GTX 1060 3gb (Old - R9 270x (Dead))
RAM: 16GB 2133 MHz
Check what usage % the CPU and GPU are at while playing which can identify a bottleneck. Otherwise from what I've seen rust doesn't have the best optimization. Also check to make sure nothing's running in the background

1.I checked multiple times if there was something running in the background, couldn't find anything
2.On the usage: Going to let you know when I finish reinstalling drivers.
This is most likely due to your processor. Make sure to read the per core usage whilst playing. Or, if you turn the resolution down/up or graphical settings down/up, and the FPS does not change, it's your processor.

If this is the case there isn't much you can do. Try decreasing the view distance, and increase your graphical settings as far as you can without your framerate lowering. You can't really effectively upgrade your CPU without a whole new motherboard upgrade as well, and possibly ram.

Also, which monitor are you using?

To be honest I tried lowering resolution and view distance before and I didn't feel the improvement. My Monitor is some older 1920x1080 Fujitsu im not sure about the specific model.
Edit: Also how do i measure GPU usage when i installed Asus driver i can see only clocks and "GPU Speed" Which i dont know what it is since it's constantly on 100%

I'm sorry didn't even think about it before posting lol. Here's another one