[SOLVED] FPS issues with RTX 3070 ?


Oct 19, 2020
Hello. this is my setup.
MB : Asus rog strix b550 gaming
Cpu : Ryzen 7 3700x
Gpu : rtx 3070
Psu 650w
Ram 16gb hyperx fury 2133
2 ssd m2
windows 10.

the question i have is this.
i play with 1440p 144hz

i feel like i should get more out of my setup.

when i play warzone i can't get over say 110fps stable
when i play world of warcraft i feel like fps shouldn't be an issue, but when i set everything to max (raytraced disable) i get like 100-110 fps on max
and if i am in bg with 20 people and in a group fight. i can feel the fps is dropping qiute low.

any tips or tricks here?

feel like rtx 3070 should be enough?

Best regards Jonas.
btw, do i need to enable D.O.C.P or do they automatically work with 3600MHz?

You put the RAM in slot A2-B2 and you turn on DOCP profile and you save and exit the BIOS. The computer will do a memory training to test the profile so it can reboot 3 times by itself before you see something after switching the DOCP profile on. If it sticks you should be able to go back to the BIOS and see the RAM at 3600MHz.

If the RAM is still at 2133MHz or 2400MHz it did not work. Could be because of a BIOS version not being the latest for RAM compatibilities or the RAM isn't in the good slots.

Let me know when you try it.
I can see a big issue already from the specs. Your RAM is very slow and ryzen love faster memory that can even double performance in some games. If you also have 1 stick instead of 2, you are not using the dual channel feature that also hampers performance as single channel.

What exact psu do you use? Make and model, not wattage and efficiency only. If you don't know, open your side panel and check the label.
hi and thx for the reply. i actually have 3 ram sticks and i wrote wrong sorry.
i have 3 ram sticks 2x8 gb and one 8gb stick total of 24gb
ass off psu it is cougar gex 650 .
what freq do you think would be fine for this cpu?
hi and thx for the reply. i actually have 3 ram sticks and i wrote wrong sorry.
i have 3 ram sticks 2x8 gb and one 8gb stick total of 24gb
ass off psu it is cougar gex 650 .
what freq do you think would be fine for this cpu?
That’s even worse. 2133mhz is what you listed in your first post and that is the slowest DDR4 and will have a significant impact on gaming performance. Miss matched RAM may also not be helping, at best 2x8gb is operating in dual channel which the extra 1x8gb is only operating in single channel. I’d take the 1x8gb out and see if it helps at all.
okey. thx for the reply. i will do that when i get home from work and see if that helps.
i will also order a new set of 16 gb ram sticks.
will this
Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 3600MHz 16GB
be a good suggestion?
hi and thx all for the reply's.
i have just ordered a new set off the corsair Vengance 3600MHz.
most likely it will come tomorrow.
i will update this post after i put it in with how the fps etc is then.
have a good day and i will get back tomorrow :)
You got very good answers till I saw the thread again.
A video of how the ram speed impacts gaming performance in ryzen:
View: https://youtu.be/azFYdiH9Hns

and how the single vs dual channel affects it:
View: https://youtu.be/kCg7eVN6N9w

We also need to check if you have latest BIOS, chipset drivers, display drivers and windows updates. The temps of cpu and gpu idle and while gaming need to be checked as well.

I believe you will see a big uplift in performance with faster RAM.
1 update. the ram dosent come untill tomorrow.
i will update the thread then.
ass of drivers etc.
all drivers are up to date.
temps are completly fine cpu is around 55c when in game and gpu is around 70c
ass of usage. cpu is around 40-50% when in game, gpu is also around 30-50% usage when in game. ram however is around 70%
ram is almost always higher then cpu/gpu usage.
if you need more info i will upload pics when i get home from work.
- cheers!
btw, do i need to enable D.O.C.P or do they automatically work with 3600MHz?

You put the RAM in slot A2-B2 and you turn on DOCP profile and you save and exit the BIOS. The computer will do a memory training to test the profile so it can reboot 3 times by itself before you see something after switching the DOCP profile on. If it sticks you should be able to go back to the BIOS and see the RAM at 3600MHz.

If the RAM is still at 2133MHz or 2400MHz it did not work. Could be because of a BIOS version not being the latest for RAM compatibilities or the RAM isn't in the good slots.

Let me know when you try it.
okey, thanks for the reply.
i took out the third ram chip yesterday and made sure that the 2 i had was in A2-B2 and turned on DOCP.
it booted and was fine. but when i was playing games yesterday i got very large fps drops.
i could be sitting on 110-120 fps in wow and suddenly it droped to like 40-50 for like 5 min before going up again, but after i took out the third ram chip i only had 8Gb of ram.
So i tought it could be becouse of that. couse i saw that when i was ingame i had 7,5 out of 7,9 Gb in use.
i know 8Gb is low for gaming wow /cod, so hopefully it was that.
i will update the thread after i have innstalled the new ram that comes today!
i just got the new ram and put it in enable DOCP and everything felt good!
got higher fps in both wow and warzone.
one thing keeps happening though i am getting fps drops like crazy.
when i am in wow arena eks and there is alot of spell on the fly my fps drops to like 40-50 and when i look over to afterburner it says that my gpu is at like 500MHz
could this be from the DOCP itself?
Seperate issue. The spell affects are massive Ai. You have multiple players all casting at the same time and physX trying to deal with all of that. You can turn off stuff like name tags, bloom, floating damage markers etc and that'll alleviate a considerable amount of load.

Also, since you are now getting some performance out of the cpu, the gpu is forced to work harder and this can affect temps of the vrms/vram and if the card isn't getting good airflow there's a good possibility it's overheating, which will force downclocking.
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Check to see for recent WoW updates, might have had the Major Windows update which can mess with gpu drivers, there's various reasons why a gpu can be off its game. Check windows and see if Xbox DVR is active, gamebar helper etc as they can hurt gpu performance. If running GeForce Experience, that just had an update, which can affect global or game specific settings etc.