Fps less than expected


Nov 13, 2015
Okay so with my stutter problem and other bulls**t I have been experiencing i now figure out that the problem also consist of overall lower fps even on a much better build than my previous,
here some other post I made that led me here all of which are mine and yes i still get stutter ever since mid november of last year and yes the money I spent trying to repair could of gone towards a much better pc.



current specs (everything besides ssd has been swapped out but the cpu which was swapped necked the s**t outta my card and that would also cause lag/stutter)
gtx 960 4gb ssc stock
AMD FX-8350 4.0 ghz stock, cpu features disabled including turbo core
8gb crucial ballistics ddr3
msi 970 gaming (mobo not gpu)
st3000dm001 3tb drive (not even close to full)
250 gb samsung evo (os is here, its also not close to full)
win 10 (reinstalled 5 times YES 5 TIMES)
my usage when gaming is between 10-25%
frequency is almost always 100%
when stutter occurs my frames DO drop
over/under clocking my cpu doesnt increase/decrease the stutter
all cores and threads are showing and working
thermal margin for cpu at full load is around 32 degrees celcius
torturing any of my components doesnt cause crashing,overheating or anything
using a 1080p moniter(vsync doesnt fix my problem)
changing my polling rate doesnt fix the stutter
nothing connected to my pc is causing the stutter
the stutter occurs both online and offline
ive tried gaming from my hd and my ssd there no difference
my gpus drivers are all up to date
my psu is sufficient
the voltage on my wall outlet is enough for my rig
I re-pasted my cpu and that didnt help
Messed around in in NV control panel
tried older drivers
made windows into high performance mode
place gpu into other slot
flashed bios
Removed main drive so that only SSD is available(nope)
completly switched to windows 10
swapped PSU
my psu is a greenseries 650w more then enough for my build
i used to 90 fps on days with ultra on 1080p
now i get 20 fps on low 900p
my combo should get 40 fps on farcry on ultra, it gets 20 on ultra
planetside used to get solid 60 with max settings now it gets 40 in big fights on lower settings on 900p
my problem at first was stutter, but im starting to realize fps also was taking a hit most games get above 60 fps so i didnt see it there
skyrim now gets 30 fps in big cities (whiterun,markarth,etc) on vanilla 900p
but it used to get solid 60 fps on ultra modded skyrim with a 2gb card!
so any help would be appreciated
p.s send me some recommendation for some cheap ciruclar saws my neck been itching for one.
I picked up a circular saw at Home Depot for about $30 not too long ago.

On a more serious note, I'm not sure what to say. At this point it's time to start trying different components. Do you know anybody with a high-end AMD card you could try with?

Admittedly, Skyrim and DayZ are games that are notorious for performing poorly on AMD CPUs, but they shouldn't perform that poorly, and you seem to have isolated just about everything but the video card and the CPU/motherboard.

i say BS my last set of good fps was on a 5600k apu far worse then my 8350 on a cpu standpoint
as for swapping you read my previous points ive tried a fx 4100k, r9 270x, gtx 660, some gigiabyte board (its litteraly right next to me im just too lazy to say its name, its worse then my board however) diff psu, used a voltimeter to check the wall outlets, swapped moniter 3 times (now using all 3 XD) swapped ram 3 times or if you count all the sticks its 7 seperate sticks (have 3x ripjaws) i used older and new drivers different resolutions and tried various test all of which say "your all g bro" so im very confused, what was that saw again?
and for some reason I just get furious on nostagia purposes, you ever play quake today? I cant play quake today because it just feels so much worse then when you first play it and you want that experience to stay positive, I tried playing games I used to play on my first ever purchased gpu (i dont even remember its name, very sad) the games where battlefield 2 and bad comp, metro 2033 (not redux) tf2 half life series garrys mod original red orchestra planetside 1 older worms games and I just cant play them because of the stutter, and it just makes me furious thinking that my card which isnt even a spectacular one cannot play games that my old card would of AND ITS NOT EVEN A GPU ISSUE, my old old old cpu was a pentium e5300 and even though games like metro reccomends specs of higher than those 2 i could still play them at ultra 900p and it just makes me want to throw my pc out the window, my only guess is that its either my chair (gotta be) or my pc is an equalist and its just trying to match the performance of consoles which I gotta say, is more down syndromely autistic than anything ive ever heard but hey its the only thing that makes sense after all my test, tech masters and personal judgement say that its all working as it should when looking at the frequency and temps of components

i have the newest drivers ever since I got my components I check every week for driver updeates board wise and gpu updates I just wait for the email notif on my phone to go off

Have you went to your power options and then advanced power options? Set your Processor minimum state to 100%.
I would turn off any throttling or turbo options. Can you please post a snapshot(camera button top right) of your OC setting screen as well as your Motherboard settings screen.

Disable the Cool and Quiet feature.
Disable Smart CPU Protection

i have done that and im gunna get those pics soon so wait about 15 minutes max and ill update this post with them
shit, gotta go pick someone up, ill update this later tonight sorry for the inconvenience.
I just took random pictures of my bios the last picture just shows whats in my bios so if theres any future take pictures of ... refer to that picture,


I got my current build minus the 960 and the case in late oct early sept (problem started late september)
then it started happening a few weeks later i first checked temps and i under clocked my cpu to see if the lower temp increased performance, It didnt then I disabled cpu features andf those didnt help
i updated all my bios and drivers most where already installed
then I used a psu calculator to find that my psu was insufficient
so i went to a 660 which allowed full usage
then I upped my psu to much greater
went to the 270x, but then went to the 4gb 960
I have about 6 or 7 post on this and I did every request about what to do/ to test and everything came back A-OK
changed ram
changed GPU slot (on the board)
got a new case (8350 is a very hot cpu)
got a desk fan
tried gaming on the ssd and hardrive but nothng changed
put windows on the hardrive with ssd nope
put win on ssd no hardrive
put win on hd with ssd
and this continues up until my current win on ssd with hardrive
did abunch of bios stuff
tested frequencies
tested other games this is when i found out that even NES games do it also that payday and metro did it the worst
memtest,cpuz,gpuz,aida extreme,furmark,hw moniter,coretemp,aod, is what im using
swapped moniters swapped moniter cables
bitched about it for awile (still doing it, a few hours ago a friend said "wanna play" i just replied "can I play?"?
i also found some games that do work like sid civ 5 and warframe, heroes and generals used to work but not anymore
In red orchestra theres a phyx thing to put the physics on the gpu or cpu and when toggling it my fps and stutter doesnt seem to change (the frequency change is very little so it may not stress it enough)
ive done more but thats the jist
and to answer your question I have swapped boards and cpus since then but I used a 4100k which defininetly necked the hell outta my gpu

disable smart protection.

away atm, will do later apologies for the wait XD

finally back apologies for the w8, disabling smart protection did not do a damn thing, so I re-enabled it as it was causing crashes
so I set my bios to default but I changed the frequency from 200 (4000) to 215 (not sure of the exact frequency) plus a boost clock from enabled cpu features and my fps went back up in dayz it went from 20 to 125fps but the stutter is still there and other games only got a minor boost nether went from 40 to 48ish and the stutter remains the same.