FPS low on Rainbow6, should I upgrade cpu or gpu?


Feb 18, 2014
Hey everyone,

I bought a second hand pc a couple weeks ago:

It has:

2x gtx 780 (SLI)

i5 4690k

16gb DD3 RAM.

My monitor is ultrawide 3440*1440. 60hz.

My frame rate is acceptable (70) on medium/low settings, however my friend who has a good gaming laptop gets 100fps+ on ultra settings.

Overclocking my GPU's doesn't really improve the fps.

My question is whether my cpu is bottlenecking my gpu? What would be the best thing to upgrade?

since you are playing at higher reso only, upgrade your GPU. your CPU is fine.
like at least a 1060 6Gb. complex splatter scenes performance will improve alot esp on shooter games like that with a GPU upgrade.
since you are playing at higher reso only, upgrade your GPU. your CPU is fine.
like at least a 1060 6Gb. complex splatter scenes performance will improve alot esp on shooter games like that with a GPU upgrade.

the only bottleneck is your gpu power for the resolution you are using