Fractal Define R4 - I've removed the bottom dust filter and...


Jul 29, 2014
Hi everyone.

I have a Fractal Define R4 case with an SSD and a 2TB spinner powered by a Corsair AX760 PSU.

I have been driven mad by a loud vibration from my chassis which I have nailed down to the bottom dust filter rattling against the chassis when the hard driving is rotating. I'm fairly sure it is the hard drive as if I disconnect the power from the hard drive this vibration noise stops completely.

So, I have taken out the dust filter from the bottom of the case and my vibration nightmare has now completely disappeared - yay!!!

However, this now means that I now have no dust filter in the bottom of the case. The AX760 PSU - which is mounted with the cooling fan pointing downwards - is set to hybrid mode so its fan should only start spinning at 70% load, which I don't think I will ever hit so I'm not sure if this is even really a concern.

BUT... I have some 140mm magnetic fan filters like this ( which I have experimented with and I can attach them to the outside of the underneath of the chassis as they are magnetic so this would seem like an ideal solution; I would have no vibrations/rattles and I also have dust filtration in place still.

But getting to my question - can anyone think of any reason NOT to do what I am planning? The magnets in the dust filters aren't very strong but are enough to hold the filter in place on the underneath of the chassis. Would the very slight magnetic field from the dust filters interfere with the PSU in any way?

If anyone has any other ideas or advice, I would be very grateful indeed.

All the best and thanks for reading.

Actually, with my R4 the bottom HDD mount vibrated but not the filter. For that I just stuck a piece of electrical tape (the rubber kind, not the vinyl) on the side of the rack so when I put the drive tray in the tape is pinched between the tray and the side. It's my Arc Midi R2 whose filter was rattling.

I would have mentioned it in my first post, but it sounded like you'd already purchased the Silverstone. I'm thinking about just suspending the drives with elastic.
No. None. Nada. Zip.

The only reason I wouldn't do it is if you plan on putting an intake fan in the bottom, in which case a single Silverstone filter isn't big enough to filter the PSU and the fan. I kept the original filter in and just cut down a small piece of insulating foam strip and stuck it to the bottom of the case. When I slide the filter in, the end of it runs up on the foam. No more vibration.
Thanks volcanoscout

I take it you have the same case and had the same problem 🙂

I might try your solution first. I don't suppose you have any pics of exactly where you put the foam, do you? Might as well try and copy you as best as possible 🙂

This is my first gaming PC (had Macs for the last 20odd years) and am really enjoying the experience and community so far.

Many thanks again

Actually, with my R4 the bottom HDD mount vibrated but not the filter. For that I just stuck a piece of electrical tape (the rubber kind, not the vinyl) on the side of the rack so when I put the drive tray in the tape is pinched between the tray and the side. It's my Arc Midi R2 whose filter was rattling.

I would have mentioned it in my first post, but it sounded like you'd already purchased the Silverstone. I'm thinking about just suspending the drives with elastic.
Hi again,

I will try the tricks with the electrical tape. I've also blagged some of the insulating foam strips from work, so I will try that at the weekend.

Thanks again for all your help and suggestyions - it is very much appreciated.

All the best,


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