Question Fractal Design R5 and COrsair H150i Pro


Nov 18, 2019
Firstly, I am a complete noob when it comes to PC building so forgive me if I am an idiot in that respect - because it is true :)

2 questions if I may..

1. Simply - can I fit a Corsair H150i PRO radiator and fans into the top of a Fractal R5 case. It's 360mm (for the fans) and 396mm for the radiator. Fractal says it should fit with no problems regarding thickness ( ). I've tried searching online but come up blank.

2. How it is that a 360 configuration fits regardless of thickness whereas a 420 (or 280 or 140) doesn't fit? It's like saying 5 shots of whiskey are ok but 4 will kill you. Is it dependent on the MB? Or it's the width of the fan (140 vs 120)?

Asus Z270G MB
Intel i7-7700k
Yes, most likely.

  • Top radiator

    420, 360, 280, 240, 140 or 120 mm (a thickness limitation of 55 mm for both radiator + fan applies on 420, 280 and 140 mm radiators; 420 and 360 mm radiators require removal of the ODD bay)
The thickness for specific radiator sizes has to do with the rear fan clearance. Honestly, you would be a lot better off using a 360mm radiator, or any radiator for that matter, in front, in an intake arrangement. You will get a much, or at least SOMEWHAT, better drop in Delta using outside cool ambient air than you will using internal, moderately already heated air, for cooling. Plus, you'll have to remove the HDD bays anyhow, so at least in front there are no other clearance issues to deal with.
Thanks for the reply Darkbreeze. I've read a lot about it and the consensus is 50/50 on the subject. I am not against front mounting of course. Anyway if I buy the 150i pro, I'll probably try it in both configs to see for myself.
There are always detractors, and they are usually the people who know the LEAST about a given subject matter. But, it's fine. The bottom line is that there can be NO argument against the fact that ANY kind of cooling works better when you are using the lowest possible temperature to do it with. If this were not the case then they'd put the radiators on cars somewhere other than the front of the vehicle, because they could sure as heck reduce some of the drag by not allowing it to enter the engine compartment in the first place and making the front entirely smooth.

The difference between front mounted intake and top mounted exhaust (And you DO want it to be an exhaust configuration if you top mount. Top mounted intake configurations are abominations) are not great, but there IS some small benefit to front mounted due to cooler air, plus as I said, you have no issues with clearance then so at least you KNOW it will work there.