Frame drops when other online players in proximity of my character


Jul 30, 2017
I have a Y510P. All drivers are up to date. Internet up/down times are not an issue. This issue came on gradually, got worse with time, now all games are unplayable when another player is in a near proximity of mine. For example, A player off in the distance will create a slight frame drop, scoping in on them with a sniper creates a massive drop.

This same computer ran these same games at 80+ FPS for a year before.

When no other player is present, the game is smooth as butter. When another player is present the game drops to 5-10 FPS. This has been confirmed by many hours of testing. My game will lag merely by my character being in the proximity of another online character. It is normal for me to be completely unaware of a players presence, run into an area, being to lag or FPS drops just by being in the proximity of another person before I able to see them.


Sounds like your internet connection has a very high ping. rendering static assets in an online game is done locally so on an empty server you see virtually no lag most of the time, however players are dynamic and the game needs to send a lot of data back and forth to know where the players are and what they are doing, high ping or low bandwidth and you have lag