Custom PCIE Dock for GPU or storage. Nice. Although Next Gen Thunderbolt provides nearly the same throughput (it is able to change IO lanes to do 80-120 gbps out and 40-80 gbps in[
anandtech article]).
So next gen Thunderbolt will still a bit slower than gen 4 x8 lanes which does I/O 128 gbps but for graphics output only 8gbps different when flexed to full output bandwidth.
Although this is creating another proprietary connector...
I like having the option, and likely TB4/5 whatever they call it is too far out and will be Intel only initially so I get going the custom route but I wish it could be kept under the USB C connector standard (TB3/TB4/USB3.2/USB4....).
I bet they are doing this to get better performance now with less engineering required by utilizing a new custom dock connector, Nice that it is being open sourced but so far they are the only users of it so I won't hold my breath for widespread adoption.
Also great to hear about foreign language keyboards, got some elderly folks that this will be just the thing for them.