Free backup software

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Sep 29, 2006

I found a few similar topics but they didn't really have the kind of answer I'm looking for.

Anyway, I'm planning on buying a 500GB USB hard drive to use as a backup storage and I'm in need of a backup software for home use. I'm probably going to take backups once a month or so and I would like to keep just one backup, so that whenever I make a new one, the old one gets overwritten. Since I have a lot of files that never change the program should be able to figure out what has changed and only copy those files. I'm looking for freeware but if you don't know any, feel free to suggest a commercial one. I found some programs but they seemed to have fishy restrictions, like file amount limits and such.

I have 2 usb externals one 500G Seagate and a 1TB Maxtor.
They both come with disk image software already on them.
Imaging is much better than backups as they take a snapshot of your drive
in its entirety, not just incremental backups that need to be reassembled on reinstall.
This is very helpful if your system gets hosed just play the image back and your computer will be exactly the same as the day you took the image.
I have XP on one side and Vista on the other and have used it on both.
With the amount of games and other changes the kids make it has saved my bacon a few times.
Dear Mr.pat mcgroin,
I just bought a seagate FreeAgentPro 750Gb(USB)External Hdd with eSATA and firewire.It's news to know that it comes with backup software.Can you kindly let me know who's software was bundled with it?I have a Lenovo desktop(K 200 series) with 250Gb internal Hdd and 4gb ram.Is the External Hdd pre-formatted?Macrium Reflect too has the disk image advantage and as mentioned it's the best way to take a backup.As one tech expert told me "fine,it may take a good backup but what seperates the men from the boys is how good is the "RESTORE FUNCTION"

with warm regards,
what seperates the men from the boys is how good is the "RESTORE FUNCTION"
Good point. Whatever means you use to backup data it's only useful if you can restore it. Test you restores before you need to do it in earnest! Many of us (self included) have learnt this the hard way when dealing with enterprise data. (Luckily most management have little understanding of System Administration so it's easy to pull the wool over their eyes and come up with a convincing excuse.)
After a quick look I found that the drive comes with something called auto
backup. It say powered by Memeo.
Im not sure what it is exactly as I havent used it I have Norton Ghost.

It shows Backup and Restore, System roolback, Internet Drive (space available on Seagate Servers) some utilities for the drive.

As soon as you plug it in autoplay will pop up and give you the chance to install the tools.
I never installed them. I just put them into a folder so to not lose them.
The drive is preformatted and ready to use out of the box.
If for some reason your drive didnt come with software post back and Ill make sure you get it.
Its been a good drive. Never had a problem.
Mr.pat mcgroin,
thank you very much for the essential info'.Will get back to you as i haven't yet opened the box.
with warm regards,
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