Free upgrade from windows 7 32 bit to 64 bit?


Dec 11, 2009
Hello all,
I purchased a Toshiba Satellite L555D-7930 from Office Depot on BF this year. I told the salesperson that I needed 64 bit OS for newest AutoCAD app. He and the sticker on the unit confirmed that this unit had Windows 7 - 64bit. I pick it up a couple days later (had them install Office) and return home to begin installation of AutoCAD. I find out that the OS system is actually 32 bit after checking the system properties, and see that it is 64 bit compatible. I call Office Depot and run thru everything, they tell me to call Toshiba to expedite things. I instead have them call on my behalf and the result is a case number from Toshiba with the ultimate answer (after a week of me dealing with both parties) of "NO" from Toshiba and "we will refund your money" from Office Depot. To their credit the people at Office Depot are nice and tried their best, but this whole thing seems like lack of understanding or abilities to me.
Can someone please explain whether Microsoft can get my system switched to 64bit (conversion/upgrade) or if there is a preloaded 64 bit OS hidden somewhere in a partition.
Have been combing blogs, but due to newness of Windows 7 info./posts seems contradictory at times.
Open to any input.
Frustrated in Florida
Take it back.Its not what You wanted.
If 32bit is installed,You have to reinstall windows 7 upgrades.
What does the win7 install dvd say on it?..maybe theres a 32/64bit combo disc included with laptop?Or mail in offer for 64 bit ver.
There are no install discs given with preloaded OS anymore only thing is to create backup image discs & restore cd's (on your own- right when you get the unit).
So, the unit says 64 bit OS and the reality is 32, no upgrade offer, no assistance from any parties. The unit has the 17.3 screen and other features I like and that's why I am just trying to get what I paid for (i.e. fresh install of a 64 bit system).
Is this something so difficult that no one wants to take it on?