Free Windows 10 from windows 7


Dec 28, 2014
Okay so im trying to get the free upgrade from win 7 to win 10, i was just wondering if i do this will it remove my win7 CD key for good? any info on this would be greatly appreciated.

Also if i was to get a new hard drive later on will i still be able to use that win7 CD Key on that new hard drive?
That is correct.

The Windows 10 upgrade flags your Windows 7 key as used on Microsoft's servers then issues a Windows 10 key linked to your motherboard.

okay so thats pretty much my fear.. hmm so if i was to reformat my drive i couldn't use my win7 key after using this free upgrade is what you're saying?

yeah but how am i supposed to load a fresh OS when its the free upgrade? i dont have a key for it its just the free upgrade. im just gonna do it and see what happens lol

okay that makes more sense. so lets say after using the free upgrade. how am i supposed to get win10 back after reformatting since i don't have a key? or when i do the initial setup will it automatically give me win10? lol if that makes any sense im sorry if it sounds dumb. software isn't my field

i don't i destroy them after i get a new one