Question Freeing up c drive

Mar 1, 2019
So my c drive is really stuffed up, like 128 gb and only 10 is free, i've tried everything and i can't make any storage free up, so i thought that maybe i should reset my computer like the following, pull out my d drive then reset it using windows built in resetting tool, but does it free up everything except the windows itself?

Math Geek

how have you tried to free up space? did you use disk cleanup and remove the windows.old folders and old restore points and so on? that's the first place to start. usually clears up a ton of space.

from there would likely be simply too many programs/data on the drive and some may need to be uninstalled.
Mar 1, 2019
how have you tried to free up space? did you use disk cleanup and remove the windows.old folders and old restore points and so on? that's the first place to start. usually clears up a ton of space.

from there would likely be simply too many programs/data on the drive and some may need to be uninstalled.
I tried disk cleanup and that helped a bit, and i also tried to see if there are any large programs there, no there wasnt.
Personally I like Directory Opus (its not the only one you can use) but if you download that and install it free for 30 days.
It has a folder counting option as well as many other tools
this will show you where your storage is going and it's probably in your /app folder.

Once installed - go to Settings, preferences, type FOLDER in the search, go to Folder Behaviour, TICK calculate folder size automatically.
You will see where all your space has gone.

Math Geek

I tried disk cleanup and that helped a bit, and i also tried to see if there are any large programs there, no there wasnt.

sounds like just too many programs installed. doesn't have to be large programs but a ton of little ones will fill it up as well. normally the windows.old folder(s) and old restore points are the biggest space hogs but if you've removed them, then it pretty much has to be programs and data using it. open the uninstall programs menu and see what you can do without.

an easy test is to right click your "program files" folder and select properties. it'll tell you how much space it uses. if this is most of the hdd space, then you know it is programs. if this number is rather small, then we'll have to look deeper to see what might be taking up space.

Math Geek

problem is, if you do a clean install and then reinstall all the stuff that's filled the drive up, you accomplished nothing. make sure the problem is not too many programs before trying to fix a different problem it may not be.

there is no way around too many programs other than to uninstall some or get another hdd and install some to that one.
Mar 1, 2019
problem is, if you do a clean install and then reinstall all the stuff that's filled the drive up, you accomplished nothing. make sure the problem is not too many programs before trying to fix a different problem it may not be.

there is no way around too many programs other than to uninstall some or get another hdd and install some to that one.
I know that i dont have too much programs since when i got the computer i installed
Only installed neccesary programs and have installed maybe two more since i got it, but rhe drive still has filled up with random files all over different folders, by using the windows reset tool i think it doesent delete the os itself(i hope) but all the files except the windows files so i just have to download the programs neccesary to me again.


Mar 14, 2018
128GB is NOT a lot storage space especially for a Windows based install. You need to figure out what apps you have installed on that C: drive. Windows itself will need 40GB usually. A typical game, a single 1, nowadays can easily take 50GB. And with pagefile overhead and such, that 128GB is full. And something like Office with is related apps, updates, etc. can easily run 5GB or more.
Mar 1, 2019
128GB is NOT a lot storage space especially for a Windows based install. You need to figure out what apps you have installed on that C: drive. Windows itself will need 40GB usually. A typical game, a single 1, nowadays can easily take 50GB. And with pagefile overhead and such, that 128GB is full. And something like Office with is related apps, updates, etc. can easily run 5GB or more.
Yea i know, i'm not running a gaming machine with 128gb lol, i have a 2tb hdd, but the c drive has been filling up with just windows on it.