Freeze (lag) in mouse movement when using mouse button + CTRL or SHIFT


Sep 5, 2011

I noticed something strange: There's a lag in windows when I hold and drag the mouse for selection rectangle, but only when I keep CTRL or ALT or SHIFT pressed along with the mouse button, there's a lag even with this simple rectangular marquee in windows, the movement gets frozen every 2-3 seconds.
And when I hold and drag for rectangular marquee with mouse button only, there's no lag and it's smooth as it should be.

Same behavior in 3D softwares: lag when using mouse button + ctrl or alt or shift, and NO LAG when using mouse button only

CTRL, SHIFT and ALT are the cause!

But the problem now is how to fix that? I want to use the alt or shift or ctrl key along with the mouse in my 3D apps, it's so convenient and useful.

I disabled tablet input service and it doesn't help

Anyone has a suggestion?

Thank you
well combat wombat, I want to thank you for your help, you've been patient, and it's certainly a good quality of behavior, may God keep this with you all the time.
Don't bother anymore about this, I'll be fine (lol)
lol, this my post on evga forum
Finally, my problem was fixed. A evga sr-2 user gave me a tip that it was the eleet monitoring software that was causing this lag. And it worked, I just avoid running it when using my pc.
My pc is working well now.
Thank you combat wombat, I hope I could help you in the future