Freezing before being able to do ANYTHING. Hardware failure? Virus?


Nov 7, 2009
Hey guys,

I've had this problem for about two weeks. In that time, I backed up 99% of the files I needed to.

However, if I try to use it, it is becoming even more quickly frozen.

Basically, the screen freezes and I cant do anything from that point on. Occasionally after i reboot if that happens, the screen stays blank and I get 3 system beeps (signaling hardware failure?)

This happens whether I try to log in to windows, if I try to repair windows, if I try to reinstall windows, and if I go into BIOS (so... anything)

What should I do from here? Any ideas what it would be?

I swapped out the PSU (which was only a year old) for an old one, still getting a problem....

No clue what to do here. If I cant figure it out soon I may just buy a new computer and scrap this one, not sure..

Okay, well I've got 2x512kb Corsair XMS RAM sticks in, I took one out, tried running the comp, it froze. Then, I switched to the other, froze again.

Should I try to get a stick from someone if possible, or is there anything else I can try for now?...
Didn't reset the BIOS.

Both sticks of current RAM are dead.

Borrowed RAM works!!

Thanks a ton for helping me solve my problem.. now hopefully I can find some RAM for cheap..
Sorry, I spoke too soon apparently!... Same problem is back..

I did have enough time to format each drive (in Windows setup, it seems to take just a few seconds...) and give a fresh install of Windows 7

Then minutes into running the OS, it froze, and it all continued again...

BIOS are restored to defaults.

But no clue what to do now..
Sorry to not go to basic on you. I would try reseating the RAM make sure that it is installed correctly. It sounds as if the RAM became loose from the last time you seated the RAM. Are you using the new RAM still? Also make sure that you BIOS is using safe RAM speeds. My computer for some reason becomes unstable when i push my RAM to the limit even though those are the correct timings and speed. FYI
BIOS are set on auto. RAM seems like its in just fine, but still showing problems.. :\

Wondering if it could be the Mobo? Not the entire thing obviously, but maybe the dock that receives the RAM is just ruined?..
You know it could be especially since you are using a different set of RAM. how old is the motherboard. That would be a shame if it was the motherboard. All it takes is for one of those RAM connectors to be bad.