A abrar ahmad bhatti Reputable Feb 20, 2015 4 0 4,510 Feb 23, 2015 #1 I can do the on super sampling antialising in sniper elite3 my game is very slowly thats fps10 why why why i m under problem any body help me?
I can do the on super sampling antialising in sniper elite3 my game is very slowly thats fps10 why why why i m under problem any body help me?
Tacticall993 Distinguished Jun 15, 2013 574 0 19,110 Feb 23, 2015 #2 abrar ahmad bhatti : I can do the on super sampling antialising in sniper elite3 my game is very slowly thats fps10 why why why i m under problem any body help me? Whats your GPU? Upvote 0 Downvote
abrar ahmad bhatti : I can do the on super sampling antialising in sniper elite3 my game is very slowly thats fps10 why why why i m under problem any body help me? Whats your GPU?