Freezing Issues in Xp pro and win 2000 but not in 98


May 26, 2008

I have a pc running windows xp pro. Of late i did find the pc freezing on a regular basis. Running different anti virus on the pc did not help either

Hoping to resolve the problem i formatted the C drive and reinstalled the Os , but things werent any better cause soon after the drivers for the motherboard were installed the Pc began freezing.

I collapsed all the partions on the HD and formated the MBR from the xp install disk and reinstalled the os but the things were the same.

I tried installing the Os on a different hd but the computer still freezes.

I happend to run my pc with my friends Hd also containing XP pro and my PC worked fine even when i had the troubled disks as the secondary hd.

Getting desparate over the situation, I have tried different os can conclude that 2000 Prd and Xp prof have the issues of freezing , where as the pc runs fine on win 98 SE.

Hoping to find a solution on this baffling solution.

Thanks in advance

How old is the motherboard and is it's BIOS current? That would be the first thing I'd check into when older OSes run fine and newer ones don't.

The other thing you might want to check is the capacitors on the motherboard. Many board manufacturers decided to go with cheap capacitors a while back and it has come back to bite us all. Check to see if the capacitors are either bulged (they should be flat) or leaking (you'll see some dried whitish-brown gunk on top or around the bottom). If you have bad ones, you can replace them yourself if you're comfortable doing some soldering. If not, you're probably better off replacing the board.