Frequent BSOD on boot, unable to pinpoint why

Dec 30, 2018

I've recently built my first new rig in years, and I've been having BSOD problems since day one (going on three or so months). Lately it's been getting worse, usually with one BSOD right after POST, and one more after i enter Windows and start a program such as Edge or Origin. No real pattern in BSOD error message, but lately it's often been "attempted write to read only memory" or some such. As soon as I've had one or two crashes, the system is stable as long as it's turned on and everything seems to work just fine. I have run Windows 10 memory diagnostic which didn't yield any results. I finally got around to creating minidumps, and was hoping someone more tech-savvy than me could help in deciphering them for a possible solution.

CPU - Intel Core i7-8700
GPU - Asus ROG Strix GeForce GTX 1080
Memory - HyperX Fury DDR4 2666MHz 16GB

Dropbox-link to Minidumps: (after post) (after launching browser)

I've no experience with Minidumps, hopefully they are in English and not Norwegian. Thanks in advance for any help.
Try totally clean installing Windows 10. Then install Driver Booster to update all drivers. I think the problem is in OS.
Try totally clean installing Windows 10. Then install Driver Booster to update all drivers. I think the problem is in OS.
something corrupted a data structure used by the file system driver.
second bugcheck was some driver trying to write to read only memory
something to do with the pagefile.sys virtual memory.

(I think some driver is corrupting kernel memory)

most likely you will have to run verifier tests to find out what is causing the corruption.

guess it would likely be your netgear wireless driver, or your Saitek Magic Bus driver
but I can not tell from the minidump.

to run verifier you start cmd.exe or powershell as an admin and run
verifier.exe /standard /all
then reboot your machine and wait for the next bugcheck. hopefully the bad driver will be named in the bugcheck.
Note: when you run verifier be sure you know how to get into safe mode, in case the machine bugchecks during the next boot up.
to stop verifier use the command
verifier.exe /reset

this must be done after testing or the machine will run slowly until you run the command.

I am trying to have the debugger check your core windows drivers for modifications but for some reason it is not working right now. exposes viruses and hacks