Question Frequent throttling and fps drops happening on Dell G7 7588

Just another human

Dec 19, 2015
i bought Dell G7 7588 last year around october, it ran fine for a couple of months buut started heating, or overheating i should say, with constant throttling and cpu temperatures reaching upto 98 or even 100 degree CELSIUS sometimes. i was busy with college so i stopped gaming but now got my friend to undervolt the laptop. The temps now stay around 77 now so thats a lo or t better but there is a frequent fps drop/throttling occuring even now. observing cpu gpu stats while playing assasins creed origins its mainly due to the gpu frequency falling really low. The fps falls to 8 or 9 and gets back after a few seconds. Sometimes it can go a couple games of fifa without dropping but in AC origins or GTA V it happens after a minute or two with fps falling form 50-60 to 8-9.

TL;DR: Laptop used to throttle and heat upto 98C then undervolted it after a few months now temps are around 77C but fps drop still occurs due to gpu's freq falling.
It'd be a huge help if someone could me guide me as to why the fps keeps falling or is it a hardware probem
Laptop config: i7-8750H base clock 2.2Ghz, Gtx 1060 Maxq, 16gb ram, 1tb hdd and 128 gb ssd. BIOS 1.10.0
I have attached pictures from throttlestop
Link to throttlestop photos and laptop configuration
P.S. In msi afterburner it shows "connection lost to GPU1" sometimes it connect but loses the connection again.

Thank you and sorry for the long post i am anxious and tried to put in as much detail as i could.
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That's a normal occurrence for a laptop with a i7-8750H and a GtX 1060.
Swapping the HDD for a SSD helps to bring temperature down a bit.
How low did you under-volt the CPU?

Yes thats true but the temperatures are in accepable category after undervolting but gpu still keeps thorttling.
As for the undervolting, it was done by my friend and i have attached the link to the screenshot of undervolting in my question