So I have a frequent Youtube stuttering/fps drops problem in chrome. Sometimes when I try to watch a video in 1080p 60fps it starts stuttering and fps are dropping, but watching the video in 720p 60fps is butter smooth. I have all the newest GPU, sound board drivers, and Adobe flash installed. My Hardware isn't a potato either, I have a 980 from msi, i7-4790k, 16GB ram, 60Hz monitor... And 100up 100down internet, I don't have any other problems, so it must be software related, I have tried disabling Hardware acceleration in chrome, then it's not that choppy in fullscreen and windowed is almost smooth but my frames are tearing insanely, I'm very grateful for any help, and please don't say that I don't know how to use my PC, I'm here for help not to be yelled at