Fresh boot up


Mar 29, 2014
A while ago something happened to my pc and I went down a path where I just replaced parts until I fixed the error.

Well that error never got fixed bought a new pc and that one is having issues and I'm trying to get this older pc working again.

When I boot up with Windows 7 on a USB drive it goes through the motions of installation but when I get to select my hard drive it won't let me select it. Only the USB device pops up.

My computer isn't recognizing my hdd and when I plug it into a new computer it recognizes it also went out at one point and bought a new one.

Anyone ever have this issue?

I had once a similar issue: I was trying to install a Sata 6.0 Hybrid hardrive and well Windows wouldn´t recognise it , in the End I searched for missing drivers and loaded them up before the Install kind of worked as far as I remenber but it was really long ago and my memory is not so fresh xD

The thing is how do I search for missing drivers if windows 7 isn't loaded up and I can't access anything?

First of all what specs (Motherboard) do you have ?

Sorry didn't mean to select that as the best answer.
The mother board I have it an MSI one

That's the picture I took of it I'm not sure the exact specs of it. I think it failed as it can't read any Sata cords. Hoping that is it as I can buy a new mother board