fresh build can't access bios

Dec 13, 2018
Just built my first rig, was on a budget and had to grab some used hardware.

CPU (i5 4440) and Motherboard (ASUS H81-M Plus) where bought used but advertised as good working condition (checked socket and didn't see any bent pins). Grabbed a GTX 970 off a friend that I saw working perfectly. PSU, 2 x 8gb RAM and drives are all new.

Now onto my issue, system hangs on bios splash screen so I'm unable to install windows. System powers on with 1 quick beep (this means keyboard not detected apparently) then bios splash screen with no response from keyboard (keyboard lights activate shortly after splash screen appears, I've tried all my USB ports, they all power the lights but only after the splash screen). I've tried 3 USB Keyboards that I know work perfectly fine.

I've tried single sticks on both ram slots, same error. Also checked with no ram to make sure mobo would give me a ram error beep, which it did.

I've tried clearing CMOS via jumping and battery, issue persists.

Ordered a PS/2 keyboard in the hopes that will get me going, just looking for thoughts as to whether or not anyone thinks it could be something else while I wait.
I used to have the ASUS H81M-E on my old PC, and had the exact same issue. It was fixed once I got a USB-to-PS2 adapter. I believe there is a setting for "Legacy USB Devices" or something of that sort that you would have to manually enable on the BIOS once you are in that will allow USB keyboards t work on BOOT. You have to set a setting in there from "Partial USB Devices" to "Full Support" or something like that. Can't remember from the top of my head.

Thanks, I'm really hoping this is my issue.

I checked all my USB ports with a phone charger to make sure they were good, all worked fine.

Thanks for the SS.