Fresh Install of Win7 Home Prem LAN Ethernet Driver?


Feb 19, 2012
Hi All,
Thanks for looking in. I just installed a fresh install of Win7 Home Prem. Do not have the Driver disc. (Moved) I did not grab the drivers before re-installing O.S. How do I find out what Drivers I need for my Wireless?
Device Manager is stating:

under General tab
The Drivers for this device are not installed (Code28)
Tells me to update driver....No Router I am on a club house router

under Driver tab
Driver provider unknown
Not signed

Model c655d-s5300 Toshiba Laptop
Simply go to the Toshiba website.
Click on support and put the model name and number of the laptop.
Download the drivers for the laptop on another system, then burn all the files to a cd/or dvd record able disk.

Insert the disk into your laptop and run the driver exe install files.
Click on the link bellow to get the drivers from the Toshiba website.

Thanks I am already there, yet I am not finding a solution. not sure which one I need. I have tried a few already. How does one find out?