Fresh installed windows 8, 8.1 or 7 keeps getting corrupted.

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Jun 10, 2012
Hi. From almost 1 month my sony vaio (s series) i.e. svs15135cnb keeps giving blue screen errors every now and then with majority cases of kernel data inpage error. So finally I ran a scan of RAM and a hard disc scan via HD Tune where RAM appears fine but hard disc gave 3.1 percent bad sectors in the hard disc ( last month it was 2.5 percent). So I think that may be my hard disc if dying on me. The laptop is 5 years old so it could just be that hdd has lived its life. I just want to make sure what possible reasons could be responsible for it to die. As even if I replace it with a new one, would the new one work fine or some other hardware might ruin that as well.
I’d also appreciate if someone could guide me whether I can install this

Western Digital 1TB Internal Hard Disk Drive (WD10SPZX)

In place of

Toshiba MQ01ABD100 1TB Internal Hard Drive (currently installed)


yes, the WD is thinner than the Toshiba but usually that's ok. It's when you go thinner to thicker that problems can occur.

I really don't think you need to worry about a hardware issue ruining the new drive - I think the old drive is simply wearing out. I would back up the data asap (if you haven't already).

Actually the current HDD that is installed has two brackets kinda thing (not sure what it's called) attached via screws on both sides, which make it fit properly in the laptop and gets it screwed inside. I am wondering if the WD one has different thickness, could there be difference in the location for screws. I mean, what if it doesn't fit.
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