Friend is unable to install a new graphics card


Nov 22, 2012
His old gpu died and someone gave him a new one. He doesn't know what the gpu is exactly but he says it looks like a PCI (the bottom of it looks like this He said he tried to put the gpu in but it wont fit. I looked up his mobo and it says there's 3 PCI slots Now I only know him online, so I can't check if he's tried to enter it into the correct slot, but he was hesitant to try to put the gpu in because it has 3 sets of pins and the slot looks like it only needs 2. It looks like the MOBO has every slot for every gpu except for AGP. Would there be anything that would cause the card not to fit in any of the slots? Or does it sound like user error?
User error for sure. That type of PCI card has two notches for a reason so it can fit in more than one type of PCI slot. See there used to be 5V PCI slots 3.3V PCI slots and dual\universal 3.3V\5V slots. His card should fit just fine. Make sure he is trying to put it in the white slots. I don't get why he is using PCI graphics and not a more modern PCI-E. The difference is on the order of 10-200X or more performance..

His PC is pretty old, and he got the PCI card for free. I'll try to see if he would take some pictures of his mobo for me to see what he's doing.