From a GTX680 to a GTX970 with a i7 2600 cpu?


Dec 13, 2014
Hi guys,

My system is getting to the point where its starting to struggle a little in some of the newest games a little but it will be maybe a year until i can do a major upgrade/rebuild - so i am thinking of ways to extend the life a bit if i can 😛 My current system is as below:

i7 2600 cpu (3.4)
8gig ddr3 (1600)
gtx 680 (2gig)

Basically i am thinking of upgrading the graphics card to a gtx 970 - but here is the question i have: Would my cpu be holding back the 970 too much? Or would i see i nice performance jump from the 680? I dont want to spend the money only to have my cpu be a bottleneck and not get much of a perfomance boost...

[EDIT] Ok so i searched the forums (something i prob should have done before posting this😛 ) and the general consensus seems to be that 2600 is still a decent enough cpu and pairing it with a 970 should not be an issue (in terms of bottlenecking). However i would still like to hear anyones thoughts on this if they feel the need :) [EDIT]

Thanks for any advice!