From G4560 to an i3 8100


May 11, 2017

I currently have a g4560 and I would like to get an i3 8100. Is it worth it? Or should I save up some more money for an i5 8400?

ps. I'll need a new Motherboard too, what should I get?
The 8300 will be almost double the G4560 in performance, while the 8400 will provide 5-10% over the 8300 in single and quad performance (and 1.5x multi-core performance, reflecting the extra two cores).

Either will be a great step up from the G4560. See chipset comparison of motherboards for either CPU (scroll down for chart):

Obviously the choice is yours, and could be a budget decision, but I would recommend B360 as minimum, and give the H310 a miss.
The 8300 will be almost double the G4560 in performance, while the 8400 will provide 5-10% over the 8300 in single and quad performance (and 1.5x multi-core performance, reflecting the extra two cores).

Either will be a great step up from the G4560. See chipset comparison of motherboards for either CPU (scroll down for chart):

Obviously the choice is yours, and could be a budget decision, but I would recommend B360 as minimum, and give the H310 a miss.
I think I'll go with the i3 8300 and the Gigabyte B360M-DS3H, which will settle me for about ≈250 Euros.
I would also like to upgrade my Graphics Card (Currently I have a GTX 950 OC from Asus),
I was thinking about the Zotac GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Edition (≈260 Euros)
But I can't afford them both in the same month (I'm only 16, lol)
Which one should I buy first?

1. The i3 8300 and the H360

2. A GTX 1060 6GB (or any other Graphics card)

3. Your own opinions!
I'm not sure about that... I mean disassembling everything doesn't bother me because I want to learn more and have more experience with computer parts, plus I'd rather pay +50 euros for a brand new motherboard and an 8th gen CPU. But of course, I'll think about that!
