Question From HD6870 + i3 2100 to i5 2500k + what new gpu?

Mar 23, 2019
Hello guys,

My HD6870 gpu is faulty from a couple of days and now im searching for new gpu to update. Today i bought i5 2500k and replace my i3 2100.
My previous pc was i3-2100 + hd6870 + 6gb 1333 + H61 mobo. I doesn't play games anymore, except cs go with medium settings with 144 hz monitor and i had like 100-150 fps on 5v5. Now with my ''new'' i5 2500k (stock) i want to have like 200 fps. Which gpu can support it to give me this result? Im not about overclocking and i will left cpu at default clocks ( H61 :) )
I just found R9 280x for a verh low price. This card is pci-e 3.0 384 bit, and mine 6870 was 256bit pci-e 2.0 will my mobo run it (h61m u3s3 asrock)?

PS .my psu is Seasonic s12 2 bronze 620w

PS #2 i bought gtx 1060 , wish will not be bottlenecked by the cpi
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