From HD6870 to what? R7 360? Any other option at the same price range?

u cnat spel

Jul 11, 2016
Is this a good option for me? VGA Asus AMD Radeon R7 360 OC 2GB GDDR5 Eye-Finity Ready 128-Bits R7360-OC-2GD5

Price is about $130 in here.

Is this a good version? What else could I give a look into?

CPU: AMD FX-8350 8 cores

Motherboard: Asus M5A97-EVO


Power supply is 450 or 500w

Thanks for the help and for any other info just ask.
I personally would not pay extra for a factory overclock when I can do it myself. Keep in mind that the GTX 950 is based on the same GPU as the GTX 960 with a few shaders disabled. It still has most of the performance but is often much cheaper.

Also, don't pay extra for the 4GB version over the 2GB. The GTX 960 is not fast enough to properly utilize all of that VRAM.
R7 360 would be a sidegrade and likely even a downgrade from the HD 6870 as far as pure performance, though it will consume less power and have some DX12 capability despite being a weak graphics card.

I suggest waiting for the RX-470 which will be available late next month and will offer about 6x more performance than the above graphics cards at a price of about $150 for a 4GB model.

Thanks for your answer.

The RX-470 will take even more time to reach Brazil, but I changed my mind with your comment.

I'll invest more then, I want it to last a long while and also be an improvement to what I had. $200~$250 it's.

I'll post below some of the graphic cards selling nowadays in here. with my price range now up, ok? I dunno if I can post links, so I'll just copy the description:

XFX R9 280X 3GB DDR5 PCI-Express

XFX R9 270X 2GB DDR5 PCI-Express

2GB PCI-Exp XFX Radeon GDDR5 (R9-380P-2DF5)

Since one or some of them might be out of stock, please if possible give me a "rank" to look for in this list.

I didn't post any 4GB because if I'm not mistaken it won't improve much for me playing with 1080p.

Thanks a lot for the help.
The 280X would be a noticeable upgrade, but you really need a durable power supply to run that card, not some generic.

I think you should look at the GTX 950. It's about 3x as fast as your 6870, but has low power draw. You can use it without upgrading your PSU.

Another option is the R9 285 aka R9 380. Those use a bit more power but not as much as the 280X.

Oh no, my power supply is not generic! I opened to check and it's Corsair CX500.

But hey, I always thought I couldn't mix AMD CPU with Geforce. That's why I didn't even mention it here, sorry for that.

If this comparison is correct

Between them, I guess the GTX950 is actually the best option, even if my PSU can handle the 280x. It's ~$60 cheaper!

Do you think it's worth buying the R9 280x, or perhaps GTX660, anyway? I'm a complete newbie, but they don't seem to do much better in these tests to cost so much more.

Also should I look for OC, SC, SSC, the price difference it worth? Or can I just overclock later and get the same results (I know how)?

These different versions are so confusing, MSI, EVGA, Gigabyte, etc.

Thanks a lot for your help, I'm almost there.
I'll definitely give a look into the PSU later, thanks.

I'm about to buy the GTX 960, I'm left with two options, with $50 price difference.

From Gigabyte without factory OC, for $226 -> 4GB Gigabyte GTX960 WF DVI/DDR5/HDMI/DP GV-N960WF2-4GD

EVGA, but with SSC for $261 -> VGA PCI-Exp EVGA 4GB GDDR5 Geforce GTX960, SSC, 3DP+HDMI,DVI-I

One is SSC and the other one isn't, I'm not sure if that's all the difference between them.

I know how to overclock, so I'm not sure if being SSC is necessary.

What do you think? Thanks again.

I personally would not pay extra for a factory overclock when I can do it myself. Keep in mind that the GTX 950 is based on the same GPU as the GTX 960 with a few shaders disabled. It still has most of the performance but is often much cheaper.

Also, don't pay extra for the 4GB version over the 2GB. The GTX 960 is not fast enough to properly utilize all of that VRAM.
Ok so GTX 950 without clock. Last question, which version should I go for? The cooler, stronger case, etc. For OC. And if possible not so loud.



and Gigabyte >

Thanks a lot you saved me many bucks! I'll already select your answer as a solution.