From what online shop can I purchase pc parts which later wont be taxed at customs (because I live in Europe)


Dec 15, 2017
Ok so I live in Macedonia which is in the Balkans which is located in southeastern Europe and because of my countrys low population(2 million)whenever someone does buy a pc part its usually much more expensive than the actual price of the part.I asked the guy who was building my pc like what can we do cant I purchase this stuff like from amazon,but he said that I would be taxed a lot when it arrives at customs so Im in a really desperate state and I need your guy's help.Like is there an online store (like somewhere in Europe)that sells the parts at their actually (or similar price)that sells all around Europe and that doesnt cost me a lot of money to actually get when it arrives in my country)and if somone can tell me if there is like a way to know how much you will be taxed at customs if you buy something like from Amazon.
As far as I know, Macedonia is not in EU. If you live in EU and order goods from within EU, you don't have to pay customs tax for it. So the only option for you is probably buying from Macedonian-based retailers.

I see so where ever I buy from even like a German online store I am still going to get taxed