Front case PC fan grinding noise on a cold boot


Feb 1, 2014

Pretty much the title says it all, for a long time of perseverance I've accepted that my front PC case fan makes a grinding noise only on a cold boot. However I've came to a point where I am sick of this noise and really want to search for a fix. I've taken a read on the internet but I can only find this issue happening to CPUs fans or their optical drive. However I'm 100% certain it is my front PC case fan because if I take my front case cover off and lightly place my finger on the centre of the fan, the noise stops. The noise then repeats when I let my finger off the centre of the fan. The noise does eventually stops a few minutes after the boot, however I'd like to fix this due to the pure frustration and confusion it causes for me. :fou:

Hopefully someone can help me out here, maybe it's a fan bearing or something?

Appreciate everybody who tries to help me out here, thanks!