I have a Cooler Master masterbox lite 5 RGB case and it comes with 3 front RGB fans and a rear cooling fan. Going through the build process, connecting the rear fans was very simple as the wire to the fan and the connection heading on the motherboard fit and made sense. However the 3 rgb front fans are not the same wiring as the rear fan and the connection for them are unclear for me. There are two sets of wires stemming from the front fans for me to connect but it is unclear for me where they go even with the picture included in the case manual. Included was an RGB fan splitter that I am equally unclear of. The basic question is what am I missing or do I need an additional part to complete this step? First link is a photo of the two sets of wires and the second is the photo for the fan connection from the manual
https://i.imgur.com/GhOrvFF.jpg https://puu.sh/zkF6B/6a7e050501.png
Motherboard is ASrock Z270 PRO4
https://i.imgur.com/GhOrvFF.jpg https://puu.sh/zkF6B/6a7e050501.png
Motherboard is ASrock Z270 PRO4