Thank you Mike so much for your input! I had been working on swapping mobos for a good 10-12 hours yesterday. Most of that time looking for info on both concerning wire placement of the front panel connectors and creating diagrams making sure I got everything in the right spots.
I found the answer you provided in great detail in another thread here. Though I still greatly appreciate the info. It might be a bit much to ask, but if you have time would you mind looking over my other thread here?
Mostly, what I'd like to know now is "can improperly rewiring a front panel connector cause the pc in question to emit a short buzzing sound followed by a loud pop and a shot of light coming from inside the case?" Instantly upon plugging it in.
From what I've gathered, I think my PSU shot craps. There are brownish marks close to the screws anchoring the mobo to the case, which makes me think the surge produced from the PSU was grounded into the case?
I did notice an electrical smell before plugging it in, which may mean the PSU was ready to go in the first place OR I did something wrong after removing it from the mobo, plugging it back in... Perhaps I should have unplugged the power cord before plugging it into the back of the unit after it being disconnected for so long?
So many deductions... Process of elimination.
Regardless, thanks for your input. First reply I've had so far.