Hello people I have a GA-X58A-UD3R (rev. 2.0) mobo paired with a i7-950 gotta tell u after all this years this build is still kicking it.. anyway I have installed 2 EVGA GTX 970 FTW on SLI and I'm getting around 150fps with everything maxed out ultra settings on bf4.. so this mobo has 2 pcie x16 slots and 2 pcie x8.. so I've installed both gpus on the x16 but the problem is that the gpus are to close to each other making gpu 1 not have enough room for airflow for the fans, temps are near the 100c.. so now im trying to use one of the x8 pcie but the problem is that the front panel headears are on the way.. u can look at the picture below.. so what can I do??