Front Panel Pinout needed


Feb 19, 2015

I have a chinese motherboard.Its Gsonic 945 chipset motherboard.I need front panel pinout for it.There are no prinitngs visible on board and this is different type of pinout I havent used before.

Please does anyone know?I have attached the screenshot.Meanwhile i am trying to contact the manufacturer.

It's going to be a trial and error thing but the errors won't cause any damage.

Take a small screwdriver and carefully touch two pins on the same side. If nothing happens, try two pins on opposing sides. When the machine fires up, those two you touched are the ones which need the PwrBn switch cable - usually blue/white. Repeat the process until you find the Reset pair - the clue is the system will turn off and straight back on again. Connect the Reset cable. From tjen on it's easy to see whioch pairs operate tghe HDD and the PWR LEDs.

It's a little worrying that the board didn't come with some form of booklet - was it very cheap to buy?

^Hello thanks for reply
Oh ok yes i know about this shorting method but i was afraid that it will cause damage to motherboard if wrong pins are shorted.

Yeah its a very cheap motherboard.Actually i didn't bought it.It came installed in one of my customers PC.its just 25$ motherboard can buy from here .It is for very old cpu like dual core core2 duo
Nothing will happen or go wrong until teh pwoer is running so once you find tose two, Reset can only turn it off and back on again and the others are apparent by whether or not they light up.

Nice to see you're keeping old stuff going - there's rarely a need to scrap anything.