Frustrated Consumer


Feb 14, 2008
Am i the only one here that feels used by the current state of hardware? AMD is reselling faulty hardware by disabling a quarter of it. Intel is selling CPUs branded with the Xeon namesake, but bear no changes from their Core 2 brethren. Nvidia feels that they can put out a whole new series of GFX cards using last year technology?! :heink: What is it now adays!? Are people that gullible that these companies can sell products merely by using big new names? This is getting ridiculous. :fou: Or am i just going crazy? :pt1cable: :pt1cable: :pt1cable: :pt1cable:
disabling fault sections is nothing new, every HDD in the last 20+ years did it, and what do you think the nvidia 7900gs was? a better solution would be a cpu running muliple core settings