FTP problem, Help plz!!!


Jan 25, 2001
Hi I've got a little problem with FTPing lately.

When I connect and upload to any FTP I have 2 refresh 1, 2, or 3 times before I can see any of the folders I created or files I uploaded! And by this happening it most of the times causes my queued uploads to just hand on the second file!
Sometimes when I dowload big files, like 50MB is just continues on 2 more than 50 MB and I have 2 stop it, and then the file is currupt! This has happened with me on Win98 and Win2k with different FTP programs, like FlashFXP and CuteFTP.

Hope you can help me here
Plz mail me asap, thx

ahh trying to download those long quality porn hey? i know what you are going through...
are you talking about cuteftpMX? because that program has many problem on its own.

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