Fujitsu Launches a Windows 7 Tablet for €699

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Hmmm. As soon as someone reviews the machine (Other than Engadget as they really do have a stick up their rear with regards to Windows) and offers impartial information, I might consider this as my (upgraded with SSD, clean install) Dell Inspiron Duo has now gone to my boss. He liked it so much after seeing me use the thing...

P.s. Please let me post using Opera 🙁
Please, read my paragraph again..

"I might consider this as 'MY' (upgraded with SSD, clean install) Dell Inspiron Duo"

I was referencing a machine that I upgraded, NOT the Q550. Come on, I know it's early in the UK so maybe make the rest of the day a Happy Day.
P.s. Does ANYONE have a link for ANY company in the UK selling the Q550? The Fujitsu page at 09:17 UK time has the Q550 in the menu but goes to a different machine. Must be updating.

AggGghh tablet lust..
Where has the comments gone that were here a few minutes ago? Bit odd

Ayway, anyone know where you can buy this device RIGHT now in the UK? It's currently listed on the Fujitsu page but you can't click to get a decription of the device...

WOW, talk about being late with an article... This thing was announced on Feb 24th. You mention IN your article that was posted today that "today" the tablet is being announced, and that pricing won't be available until March 1st... but today IS March 1st. Tom's keeps slipping further and further towards irrelevancy!
You would think M$ would have created a tablet-oriented UI for Win7. If they had, they might have a better showing against the likes of Honeycomb and the Ipad.

Of course, there's always Omnimo 3 for Rainmeter..
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