[SOLVED] full new build anything you guys want me to change

https://pcpartpicker.com/list/tbbdsZ this is my fully build pc and Btw i only found 1000w couldnt find 850w or 750w i just wanna know if you guys feel wanna change anything tell me or its the best

Looking good! One suggestion: you can get Windows 10 Pro for much cheaper online, some companies ask 150 euros for it, others only 12 or 13 (in The Netherlands at least) and they claim to be legal as well. Make sure you don't pay too much! Have fun building :)
Looking good! One suggestion: you can get Windows 10 Pro for much cheaper online, some companies ask 150 euros for it, others only 12 or 13 (in The Netherlands at least) and they claim to be legal as well. Make sure you don't pay too much! Have fun building :)
i have windows 10 pro on usb for free i just placed window 10 pro for the view Lmao some parts i already bought like the case and the monitor
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