[SOLVED] full summary: everything we learned about 'power bricks' and cases in this post

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  1. so what happened here was that we learned that 'power brick' is 'basically its LIKE a charger but its not actually a charger cos it doesnt have a battery'
  2. we learned that nobody knows if the asrock 'deskmini' has a 'power brick' thing or not
  3. seems that someone said that maybe the asrock 'deskmini' doenst even have a plug... ??
  4. we learned that there is some of kind of 'power supply' that is actually outside of the computer, and in the middle of a plug/charger thing
  5. we could not find a popular and good case that was under these basic dimensions:
17in, 430mm
10, 254mm
9, 228mm

here's the conclusion currently:

  1. there seems to be no widespread or popular cases under the basic dimensions mentioned
  2. or if there are, absolutely nobody on this entire web knows anything about small mini cases
  3. so thus none of this is worthwhile and is a complete waste
  4. so easiest thing would be: go for mac mini
  5. or go the best laptop route
currently there's no evidence that building a good mini pc actually cost significantly less than a similar laptop

a laptop may have heat issues, but a good laptop doesnt
and a good laptop doesnt have other issues that a good mini pc would solve for
so currently there's not any good evidence anywhere that it's better to go with building a mini pc given how insanely difficult it is, and incredibly ignorant so many of 99% of ppl on the web that doesnt even know anything on this apparently incredibly niche topic of small cases
you also have to manually select every single part of the mini pc, and apparently some doenst even come with wifi???...
it's completely not worth it

and there was only a few internal parts left to pick. but nobody knew anything, like nobody knows about mobos, and there's no widespread good cases under those basic dimensions which is really sad about the state of small cases and mini pcs, and sff (like nobody on this web knows really anything about sff)

i think the only good source would be youtube, but again if the info was even somewhere on one of those youtubes, 1) it's insanely hard to find + 2) it's incomplete and doesnt all the things, so a) go mac mini, or b) go laptop route

so that's the conclusion with all this until there's any solid and detailed evidence invalidating any of the conclusions here
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If it were to not need a power brick, it would be larger as the internal PSU would be larger.

Its not a charger in this case as the deskmini has no battery to charge, unlike a laptop.
appear that 1 fits the dimensions,
edit: actually im not sure, i dont know if the power supply is inside or outside in that one and ofc we need to know that to know

dont appear theres many to choose from

anyone on here know what are the best ones?
so its inside the case, ok so seems like it should work then?

'plugs into a laptop power brick instead of a normal power cable'

what does this mean, does this affect anything?

like its a plug from the case to the electric outlet?
You know how a normal computer has the cable that plugs into the PSU and the wall? This is kinda like that, but the PSU is in the middle of the cord instead of in the case, like the bulky thing that gets hot on a laptop that is between it and the outlet.
The size of the "thing" in the desk mini doesn't matter. Its included in the whole deskmini size.

An 19v 120w laptop power supply is what is needed for the deskmini.

They aren't too big, although the size depends on exact model. Research the size of the model you want.

Most are like 5in x 4in just judging from memory.

This is one:
included in the whole deskmini size.

really? i think the dimension is just the case size?

and since apparently the power supply is outside, it seems that it's not included?

i thought this 'deskmini' thing comes with the power supply no?
if so wont the power supply or plug thing have the dimension or at least a pic?

the ebay link is to a charger i thought the 'deskmini' thing has a charger?
Your options are limited when trying to get something as small as a Mac Mini. Any external power supply should be a minor issue (if at all) given its normal use (like any other desktop rig). If portability is the primary concern, just go with a laptop,
done gonna go find best laptop instead, building a mini pc isnt the way to go

here's the conclusion currently:

  1. there seems to be no widespread or popular cases under the basic dimensions mentioned
  2. or if there are, absolutely nobody on this entire web knows anything about small mini cases
  3. so thus none of this is worthwhile and is a complete waste
  4. so easiest thing would be: go for mac mini
  5. or go the best laptop route
currently there's no evidence that building a good mini pc actually cost significantly than a similar laptop

a laptop may have heat issues, but a good laptop doesnt
and a good laptop doesnt have other issues that a good mini pc would solve for
so currently there's no any good evidence for a good mini pc given how insanely difficult it is, and incredibly ignorant so many of 99% of ppl on the web that doesnt even know anything on this apparently incredibly niche topic of small cases
you also have to manually select every single part of the mini pc, and apparently some doenst even come with wifi???...
it's completely not worth it

and there was only a few internal parts left to pick. but nobody knew anything, like nobody knows about mobos, and there's no widespread good cases under those basic dimensions which is really sad about the state of small cases and mini pcs, and sff (like nobody on this web knows really anything about sff)

i think the only good source would be youtube, but again if the info was even somewhere on one of those youtubes, 1) it's insanely hard to find + 2) it's incomplete and doesnt all the things, so a) go mac mini, or b) go laptop route

so that's the conclusion with all this until there's any solid and detailed evidence invalidating any of the conclusions here
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