Fullscreen Flash Problem


Aug 3, 2012
I am currently running 2 23" monitors on a 1920x1080 resolution on both.

Yesterday, I could play WoW on my primary, and have a youtube video, or a livestream on twitch.tv fullscreened on my other monitor no problem. Today, when ever I fullscreen a video on youtube or any other site that uses flash, it fullscreens on my primary monitor, not the montior the browser is on.

Any help at all would be very appreciated.

EDIT: I'm using Google Chrome as my browser.
Also, I just opened youtube up in Internet Explorer, and it worked like a charm. So, that narrows it down a bit.
Go to "chrome://plugins/" in Google Chrome (minus the quotes) and remove the Flash plugins that are under the Google Chrome directory. (You should only have the one under C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\ enabled.) This resolved the issue for me as I believe the problem lies with Google Chrome's latest update.

Should Google fix this you could then just re-enable the plugins.
Go to "chrome://plugins/" in Google Chrome (minus the quotes) and remove the Flash plugins that are under the Google Chrome directory. (You should only have the one under C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\ enabled.) This resolved the issue for me as I believe the problem lies with Google Chrome's latest update.

Should Google fix this you could then just re-enable the plugins.

Thank you so much! Working like a charm. :bounce: