When alt tabbing in or out of a game that is in full screen (Not border less) mode it will cause these lag spikes for a couple of seconds. Id like to find out a solution on how to fix this issue.
Video for example https://youtu.be/FzpPhbGyN3U
Also I'm having another issue (Which you can see at the start of the video) where the CPU temperature keeps waving and makes the fans speed up and slow down which causes unnecessary noise. Pretty sure this is a software related issue since it doesn't do that when in BIOS.
Temperature waving
Video for example https://youtu.be/FzpPhbGyN3U
Also I'm having another issue (Which you can see at the start of the video) where the CPU temperature keeps waving and makes the fans speed up and slow down which causes unnecessary noise. Pretty sure this is a software related issue since it doesn't do that when in BIOS.
Temperature waving