Future upgrade consideration


Aug 31, 2008
Long time no see once again. Next summer I am planning on doing my four year upgrade once again. I currently have an Ivy Bridge 3770K and am looking to go to Skylake. I'll do my research on the chips once they come out and give it some time (Since September is around the corner) on reviews and the like, but for now, I wanted some opinions on whether or not going from Ivy Bridge to Skylake would be a good investment since I built my machine in 2012 or should I wait for Cannon Lake? Thanks in advance!
I think we need to see some actual performance benchmarks rather than theory. Theory doesn't improve performance or give a basis to define if something is 'worth it' or not. Cannonlake will likely be a die shrink of skylake, the die shrinks are efficiency improvements while the 'tock' of the tick/tock cycle is where performance improves. Sandy was a 'tock', haswell was a 'tock', skylake will be a 'tock'. Ivy didn't improve much on sandy chips, it was a 'tick' or die shrink, same as broadwell. It's not saying the 'tick' cycles are bad, they're not. They're just not big performance boosters, rather a refinement and die shrink of the previous chips. If the bench's don't look amazing or worthwhile to upgrade for skylake, I'd pass cannonlake and look to what came after it.
So after seeing the stats, not too much of a jump over Ivy Bridge from what I gather. We'll see what happens next year regardless. If I just simply need to make the Windows 10 jump (I work from home and only up to 8 is supported so far for our network, so not changing yet) and get a new vid card eventually, that's fine with me. I have a Radeon 7970 3GB which still kicks butt, but when I saw the minimum req for Battlefront Alpha was a 2GB version of my card, that got me thinking a little in that end. For now though, I'm just gonna wait for Kaby or Cannon or Ice, whatever they're doing next year