Futuremark Reveals 3DMark 11; Screens & Video

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[citation][nom]chris13th[/nom]*Drool*. Too bad running that benchmark would catch my computer on fire.[/citation]

They way its meant to be grilled. 😛

Looks interesting but two short to many any opinion (first assumptions. I'll stick with my vintage DX9 and DX10 cards.
Surely with DX11 cards still in a massive minority of GPUs in current machines, aren't they shooting themselves in the foot here to only allow DX11? Or do they know something that we don't?

And for all those who do have DX11 GPUs, good luck with the extra salt that is about to be rubbed in to your wounds... Such wonderful cards and no games to play with.
[citation][nom]nforce4max[/nom]Hmm typo, left out the word make. Next time use full words not texting vocabulary.[/citation]
That's good practice in general.
I wish Futuremark would make games. And not the mini-FPS game they sell through Steam. I mean full out, games. That demo video of their underwater benchmark was beautiful. Imagine what they could do with their visuals if they put the work into developing different genres of games.
I'll pass till game developers really take advantage of DX11, then only I'll consider a GPU upgrade, maybe a GTX685 or HD7870 😛
[citation][nom]jednx01[/nom]Someday games will look this good.[/citation]
Lol....soooooooome day
Not until game developers find a way to make current or next gen console game look this good
great another 3dmark, quick you all need to run out and get the best components you can afford, sell your mum, your kids, hock your watch. just so you can list your name on a website so you can claim you spent stupid amounts of cash just to win a stupid benchmark.
That is all this program does, is it creates a massive In-flux in
video cards, Ram, and CPU's, all it does is gets you all to upgrade in some shape or form to get an extra 5 points lol, you should all realize this, every version of 3dmark even if you have the best THE BEST Gear/Rig it will never run perfect, its so u run out and upgrade.
Ya that's what I like about futuremark. No matter how good your PC is, it will show you that it is inadequate. And then after finding such shame, you go back into games which are quite a bit less demanding such as WoW, anything using the Source engine, heck even Crysis. These benchmarks look cool but aren't real-world. Unless of course PC game manufacturers start competing with consoles which isn't really what I am seeing happening. Every game seems to be designed along the lines of 5 year old outdated technology. Even Starcraft 2 which isn't out yet runs fine on a low-end machine.
[citation][nom]xyzionz[/nom]Or when sony stop saying that their console would last 10 years.[/citation]

It does last 10 years. Not a bad return on investment at all. I think this is part of the reason consoles are becoming more popular in the mainstream gaming industry. They maximize efficiency for a given API/chipset at no additional cost to the consumer.

On the other end of the spectrum, the PC is home to technological evolution, which can be a mixed bag to say the least, but also the most exciting. DX9 saw a lot of good years, but what ever happened to DX10? Everyone is eyeing up DX11 already, so consoles can't be holding PC back as much as many people seem to think. What's important is that DX11 has a chance to fully shine so people who buy all these new cards don't end up feeling ripped off.
[citation][nom]xyzionz[/nom]I'll pass till game developers really take advantage of DX11, then only I'll consider a GPU upgrade, maybe a GTX685 or HD7870[/citation]
You mean maybe a GTX495 or HD7870.
I said poligonated curves. DX11 it's supposed to get rid of they.

Anyways, my 8800GT still cannot do 3DM Vantage, and I are jumping over the 480 series, so it seems that I gonna need to wait a lot to have a machine capable of running it.
Is this going to be a fair benchmark though? after the horror that was vantage, most Benchers steer clear of 3d mark.

I hope it will give a real indication as to the power of the system, without favoring certain hardware.
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